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15. oktobrī, 2020
Lasīšanai: 4 minūtes
TĒMA: Eiropas Savienība

Latvija un 10 citas Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstis aicina vienoties par ambiciozākiem ES klimata mērķiem

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Ministru prezidents Krišjānis Kariņš un Igaunijas, Dānijas, Somijas, Francijas, Īrijas, Luksemburgas, Nīderlandes, Portugāles, Spānijas un Zviedrijas valstu un valdību vadītāji, kas pārstāv valsti Eiropas Savienības valstu un valdību vadītāju sanāksmē – Eiropadomē –, ir vienojušies aicināt Eiropadomi lemt par ambiciozākiem klimata mērķiem atbilstoši Eiropas Komisijas piedāvājumam

11 Eiropas Savienības valstu un valdību vadītāji aicina noteikt, ka līdz 2030. gadam ES samazina CO2 emisijas vismaz par 55% , salīdzinot ar 1990. gadu.

Joint Statement on the Revision of the EU’s 2030 Climate Target

Supported by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden

Climate change is manifest across the globe. Temperatures are rising, weather systems are changing. As leaders of EU Member States, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to address this.

In December 2019, the European Council agreed that we should reach a climate neutral EU by 2050. The EU reaffirmed its global climate leadership and commitment to the Paris Agreement, inspiring others to increased ambitions. This commitment to climate neutrality ensures that our investments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, do not lead back to the fossil-dependent past.

We stand to substantially outperform the current 2030-target, which shows the potential of European action.

Against this background, significant emissions reductions are both required and possible. We therefore welcome the European Commission’s 2030 Climate Target Plan as a solid foundation for deciding on raised ambition. We need to agree on increasing the 2030 climate target to “at least 55 percent”.

This increased target should be included in the EU’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution to be submitted to the UNFCCC before the end of this year and followed up by legislative proposals by June 2021, to make sure the target is delivered on.

Our new long-term budget and recovery package with the climate mainstreaming target of at least 30 percent ensure the EU financial contribution to achieving our increased 2030 climate target in a socially inclusive manner, enabling a just transition.

An ambitious climate policy underpins economic growth and sustainable prosperity. The track to climate-neutrality leads to sustainable and inclusive growth, new green jobs and more innovation and global competitiveness.

Let us, as a Union, deliver a strong and credible response to the climate crisis and increase our 2030 climate target to at least 55 percent, leading to climate neutrality by 2050.

Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister                               Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister                 
Sanna Marin, Prime Minister                                        Emmanuel Macron, President

Micheál Martin, Taoiseach                                           Krišjānis Kariņš, Prime Minister

Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister                                        Mark Rutte, Prime Minister

António Costa, Prime Minister                                     Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister

Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister

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